Teaspoons to Pints conversion

Teaspoons (tsp) to Pints (pt) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Teaspoons to Pints:

1 teaspoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.0104 pints (US).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0104 pt

1 teaspoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.0087 pints (UK).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0087 pt

1 teaspoon (Metric) is approximately equal to 0.0106 pints (US).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0106 pt

1 teaspoon (Metric) is approximately equal to 0.0088 pints (UK).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0088 pt

1 teaspoon (UK) is approximately equal to 0.0125 pints (US).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0125 pt

1 teaspoon (UK) is approximately equal to 0.0104 pints (UK).

1 tsp ≈ 0.0104 pt


The volume conversion from teaspoons (US) to pints (US) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0104 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (US) to pints (UK) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0087 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Metric) to pints (US) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0106 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Metric) to pints (UK) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0088 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (UK) to pints (US) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0125 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (UK) to pints (UK) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0104 * V(tsp)

Teaspoons to Pints conversion table

US Teaspoons (tsp) US Pints (pt)
1 tsp 0.0104 pt
2 tsp 0.0208 pt
3 tsp 0.0313 pt
4 tsp 0.0417 pt
5 tsp 0.0521 pt
6 tsp 0.0625 pt
7 tsp 0.0729 pt
8 tsp 0.0833 pt
9 tsp 0.0938 pt
10 tsp 0.1042 pt
11 tsp 0.1146 pt
12 tsp 0.125 pt
13 tsp 0.1354 pt
14 tsp 0.1458 pt
15 tsp 0.1563 pt
16 tsp 0.1667 pt
17 tsp 0.1771 pt
18 tsp 0.1875 pt
19 tsp 0.1979 pt
20 tsp 0.2083 pt

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