Tablespoons to Quarts conversion

Tablespoons (tbsp) to Quarts (qt) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Tablespoons to Quarts:

1 tablespoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.016 quarts (US).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.016 qt

1 tablespoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.013 quarts (UK).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.013 qt

1 tablespoon (Metric) is approximately equal to 0.016 quarts (US).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.016 qt

1 tablespoon (Metric) is approximately equal to 0.013 quarts (UK).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.013 qt

1 tablespoon (UK) is approximately equal to 0.019 quarts (US).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.019 qt

1 tablespoon (UK) is approximately equal to 0.016 quarts (UK).

1 tbsp ≈ 0.016 qt


The volume conversion from tablespoons (US) to quarts (US) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.016 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (US) to quarts (UK) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.013 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Metric) to quarts (US) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.016 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Metric) to quarts (UK) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.013 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (UK) to quarts (US) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.019 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (UK) to quarts (UK) is given by the formula:

V(qt) ≈ 0.016 * V(tbsp)

Tablespoons to Quarts conversion table

US Tablespoons (tbsp) Quarts (qt)
1 tbsp 0.016 qt
2 tbsp 0.031 qt
3 tbsp 0.047 qt
4 tbsp 0.063 qt
5 tbsp 0.078 qt
6 tbsp 0.094 qt
7 tbsp 0.109 qt
8 tbsp 0.125 qt
9 tbsp 0.141 qt
10 tbsp 0.156 qt
11 tbsp 0.172 qt
12 tbsp 0.188 qt
13 tbsp 0.203 qt
14 tbsp 0.219 qt
15 tbsp 0.234 qt
16 tbsp 0.25 qt
17 tbsp 0.266 qt
18 tbsp 0.281 qt
19 tbsp 0.297 qt
20 tbsp 0.313 qt

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