Quarts to Tablespoons conversion

Quarts (qt) to Tablespoons (tbsp) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Quarts to Tablespoons:

1 quart (US) is equal to 64 tablespoons (US).

1 qt = 64 tbsp

1 quart (US) is approximately equal to 63.09 tablespoons (Metric).

1 qt ≈ 63.09 tbsp

1 quart (US) is approximately equal to 53.29 tablespoons (UK).

1 qt ≈ 53.29 tbsp

1 quart (UK) is approximately equal to 76.86 tablespoons (US).

1 qt ≈ 76.86 tbsp

1 quart (UK) is approximately equal to 75.77 tablespoons (Metric).

1 qt ≈ 75.77 tbsp

1 quart (UK) is equal to 64 tablespoons (UK).

1 qt = 64 tbsp


The volume conversion from quarts (US) to tablespoons (US) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) = 64 * V(qt)

The volume conversion from quarts (US) to tablespoons (Metric) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) ≈ 63.09 * V(qt)

The volume conversion from quarts (US) to tablespoons (UK) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) ≈ 53.29 * V(qt)

The volume conversion from quarts (UK) to tablespoons (US) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) ≈ 76.86 * V(qt)

The volume conversion from quarts (UK) to tablespoons (Metric) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) ≈ 75.77 * V(qt)

The volume conversion from quarts (UK) to tablespoons (UK) is given by the formula:

V(tbsp) = 64 * V(qt)

Quarts to Tablespoons conversion table

US Quarts (qt) US Tablespoons (tbsp)
1 qt 64 tbsp
2 qt 128 tbsp
3 qt 192 tbsp
4 qt 256 tbsp
5 qt 320 tbsp
6 qt 384 tbsp
7 qt 448 tbsp
8 qt 512 tbsp
9 qt 576 tbsp
10 qt 640 tbsp

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