Ounces to Quarts conversion

Ounces (oz) to Quarts (qt) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Ounces to Quarts:

Due to the fact that an ounce measures a unit of weight and a quart measures a unit of volume, the conversion rate varies based on level of density. The below formulas only offer a generalized equation:

1 ounce is approximately equal to 0.03 quarts (US).

1 oz ≈ 0.03 qt

1 ounce is approximately equal to 0.0249 quarts (UK).

1 oz ≈ 0.0249 qt


The volume conversion from ounces to quarts (US) is given by the generalized equation:

V(qt) ≈ 0.03 * W(oz)

The volume conversion from ounces to quarts (UK) is given by the generalized equation:

V(qt) ≈ 0.0249 * W(oz)

Ounces to Quarts conversion table

Density Ounces (oz) Quarts (qt)
Butter 100 oz 3.1237 qt
" 200 oz 6.2475 qt
" 300 oz 9.3712 qt
" 400 oz 12.4949 qt
" 500 oz 15.6187 qt
Bread Flour 100 oz 5.4467 qt
" 200 oz 10.8933 qt
" 300 oz 16.34 qt
" 400 oz 21.7866 qt
" 500 oz 27.2333 qt
Rolled Oats 100 oz 9.8541 qt
" 200 oz 19.7083 qt
" 300 oz 29.5624 qt
" 400 oz 39.4166 qt
" 500 oz 49.2707 qt
Sugar (granulated) 100 oz 3.5285 qt
" 200 oz 7.0569 qt
" 300 oz 10.5854 qt
" 400 oz 14.1138 qt
" 500 oz 17.6423 qt
Sugar (packed brown) 100 oz 3.6399 qt
" 200 oz 7.2799 qt
" 300 oz 10.9198 qt
" 400 oz 14.5597 qt
" 500 oz 18.1996 qt

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