Tablespoons to Deciliters conversion

Tablespoons (tbsp) to Deciliters (dL) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Tablespoons to Deciliters:

1 tablespoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.15 deciliters.

1 tbsp ≈ 0.15 dL

1 tablespoon (Metric) is equal to 0.15 deciliters.

1 tbsp = 0.15 dL

1 tablespoon (UK) is approximately equal to 0.18 deciliters.

1 tbsp ≈ 0.18 dL


The volume conversion from tablespoons (US) to deciliters is given by the formula:

V(dL)= 0.15 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Metric) to deciliters is given by the formula:

V(dL)= 0.15 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Imperial) to deciliters is given by the formula:

V(dL)= 0.18 * V(tbsp)

Tablespoons to Deciliters conversion table

Tablespoons (tbsp) Deciliters (dL)
1 tbsp 0.15 dL
10 tbsp 1.48 dL
20 tbsp 2.96 dL
30 tbsp 4.44 dL
40 tbsp 5.91 dL
50 tbsp 7.39 dL
60 tbsp 8.87 dL
70 tbsp 10.35 dL
80 tbsp 11.83 dL
90 tbsp 13.31 dL
100 tbsp 14.79 dL

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