Teaspoons to Liters conversion

Teaspoons (tsp) to Liters (L) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Teaspoons to Liters:

1 teaspoon (US) is approximately equal to 0.24 liters.

1 tsp ≈ 0.24 L

1 teaspoon (metric) is equal to 0.25 liters.

1 tsp = 0.25 L

1 teaspoon (imperial) is approximately equal to 0.28 liters.

1 tsp ≈ 0.28 L


The volume conversion from teaspoons (US) to liters is given by the formula:

V(L)= 0.23658 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Metric) to liters is given by the formula:

V(L)= 0.25 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Imperial) to liters is given by the formula:

V(L)= 0.28413 * V(tsp)

Teaspoons to Liters conversion table

US Teaspoons (tsp) Liters (L)
1 tsp 0.0049 L
2 tsp 0.0099 L
3 tsp 0.0148 L
4 tsp 0.0197 L
5 tsp 0.0246 L
6 tsp 0.0296 L
7 tsp 0.0345 L
8 tsp 0.0394 L
9 tsp 0.0444 L
10 tsp 0.0493 L
11 tsp 0.0542 L
12 tsp 0.0591 L
13 tsp 0.0641 L
14 tsp 0.069 L
15 tsp 0.0739 L
16 tsp 0.0789 L
17 tsp 0.0838 L
18 tsp 0.0887 L
19 tsp 0.0936 L
20 tsp 0.0986 L

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